Where was this when my children were babies?
CONTINUOUS SPRAY Sunblock and Sunscreen.

When the Pump Spray Sunscreens came out, it simplified trips to the Beach immensely. I was so happy to be able to spray little ones scalps, ears, etc. It was still messy and greasy, but not as bad as with the Continuous Spray feature.....everyone is covered everywhere and no one is greasy and sticky, no more being a magnet for sand and dirt!
It goes on light and clear, no mess!
No more sunburned scalps, ears, etc.
This spray can reach all the hard to get areas on children and adults.
I love that I can spray my own more depending on a child to hit or miss a few areas.
The best is very effective!
It works as promoted!
Summer is here...stock up and USE Sunscreen every day!
After years of sun worship... I finally understand the importance of Sunscreen use!
amen. I love this stuff. It makes it so you miss fewer spots.. in my experience anyway.
Sunscreen is perhaps one of the greatest innovations made by man. It has actually been proven to reduce instances of skin cancer if used effectively. Why didn't someone tell me this when I was in high school. Probably because I was at the beach getting sunburned. Actually I probably didn't use it much because I didn't want to be the only guy at the beach rubbing lotion all over wouldn't have been cool. Sadly, that was probably the reason.
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