Does This "Bug" You?
Maybe this is just my very own pet peeve, however,
I just have to say it...

Let's say you are shopping in Marshalls
(as I was yesterday when I was sorely reminded of this pet peeve of mine)
or Target, or anywhere with Checkout Registers....
You approach the Checkout and get in line.
As you wait, you realize that you don't want one (or more)
of the items you have in your cart....
What do you do???
Do You...
1) Leave the line and go place the item (s) back in it's proper place in the store...
2) While waiting, take the item (s) out and place (shove, stow, tuck, hide) them in any random place near the register.
3) Wait until your turn to check out and hand the unwanted item(s) to the clerk so they can be put away properly
While Walking through the store, you change your mind, but by now you are on the opposite side of the store and do not want to walk all the way back to put the item on the shelf.
Do you...
1) Still take the time to walk all the way back to put the item(s) away.
2) Find a convenient place to ditch the items (even if it is a perishable food item from the other side of the know you have seen this!!!)
3) Wait until you get to the register and just pitch in any place around the register as you unload the wanted items
4) Hand the unwanted items to the Checkout Clerk so they can be put away properly.
Sooooo What Bugs Me?
#1 When People pile unwanted stuff all around the registers. Yesterday, the woman in front of me at Marshalls had about 10 items in her cart. At least 5 of them were piled all around the register area while she was waiting to check out. Don't get in line and THEN start to SORT through your selections!!!! Hello!!!!! I even caught her eye to give her a "Hello???" look. She just kept stashing her stuff all over like it was an expected part of the process and what was wrong with me????
#2 When people stash unwanted stuff anywhere in the store, especially produce and perishables (like in Super Target and Wal Mart with the food side) Now just how long can those Popsicles sit with the greeting cards and gift wrap?
#3 People just dont think about the unecessary work and expense they create. Yes, this is just another thing that can drive prices up. Too many think "I don't work here... I don't care..It's not my job." Have a some respect.... dont make messes and unecessary work in any place you shop.Whatever happened to leaving a place as clean or cleaner than you find it? Even a place of business!
#4 On a Completely similar different topic...When you try on clothes, do you take the time to make sure they look nice on the hangers again before you leave the fitting room or do you take the..."That is the fitting room clerk's job to fix my messes? Mmmmmm
What Do I Do?
I either make the effort to replace the item in its rightful spot
Wait until I am checking out and hand it directly to the Checkout Clerk.
I always re-button, zip, buckle, etc. clothing after I try it on and before I return it to the fitting room attendant. I may not make it look as pristine as before, however, I try my best.
OK....Now I have said this and I feel much better...
Back to Matters That Matter...
Retep and I found frozen chinese dinners buried in one of those big $5 movie bins in Wal-Mart not too long ago. Strange.
For the most part I put things back and I always put any food items back. I have to admit though I have been guilty of sometimes putting things in random places. On those rare occasions I leave things, I am by myself with all four kids, going crazy, and the thought of crossing the store is not worth my sanity. I know bad, bad example to my kids :)
I either put it back where it belongs or most often hand it to the cashier with an apology. (gotta love the popsicles in the greeting cards though!!)
My mother managed a "Wet Seal" clothing store through my high school years. I was the best dressed kid around however I also knew exactly how to replace anything I tried on back on the hanger perfectly AND put it back on the rack where it belonged. She made me do it!! I loved clothes so I did it or "no new clothes"!!
Okay, see ya...back to sewing.
This happened to me at walmart yesterday...a lady at checkout in front of me had a cart full of things she didnt want...but still had them price checked first. It was about 50 kidding...none of which she got. She had an exact amount she wanted to spend...down to the penny, and waited till she got to the register to figure it out.
That's a good etiquette post. :)
ditto to what you said!
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