Rather than head to Target or Click and Ship...
Consider This, the Best Gifts Cannot be Purchased or
Wrapped up with Paper and Bows.
Click HERE for my favorite
Christmas Quote and Gift List.
I would print it here, however, I like the way it is printed out in the shape of a Christmas Tree and available in a printer friendly version. The second page is a list of GIFTS ANYONE CAN AFFORD. It should be named, GIFTS NO ONE CAN AFFORD NOT TO GIVE.
Howard W Hunter used the quote in a Christmas message several years ago, and is sometimes credited for it, however, I am not certain of original author, as I have seen it credited to various sources and with a few varied sentences. Of this I am certain, it is one of the best, if not THE BEST Christmas quotes ever.
I want to give and receive more gifts like these. Honestly, sometimes (OK, most of the time) I think these gifts are more difficult to give than the ones we run to Target, purchase, and wrap up in shiny paper and perfect bows. Gifts of the heart require giving a piece of ourselves, which takes effort, thought, and emotion. The impact of a Gift from The Heart lasts well beyond Christmas. Gifts from the Heart have the potential to affect eternity. Try taking your ipod to the next life....
Would you agree?
Are Gift of The Heart more difficult to Give and/or Recieve?
Have you given or received a gift of the heart?
Are you planning to share a gift of the heart?
One Gift of The Heart I treasure is that of a letter from my father and his written testimony.
Talk about a treasure!
Go ahead....click the link and print it out...now...you can thank me later...or now if you want.
Merry Christmas!
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