Thursday, July 14, 2011

For The Birds

My Trip is Going To  The Birds
Downtown Salt Lake is going to the birds and I am going with them. Peregrine Falcons nest atop the Joseph Smith Building each spring and hatch around July 4. The babies left their nest this week and all of downtown is aflutter with excitement. The parents are teaching the babies to fly and each day they get more confident.
They fly from the Joseph Smith Building to the Salt Lake Temple-back and forth all day long. There is a serious and I mean SERIOUS group of Bird Watchers on alert. They have every exterior section of the Salt Lake Temple named and numbered. When a bird lands, they radio each other with the exact location (Bo-bo landed on pineapple #3 or pin cushion #4, etc) It is fascinating.
The Bird Watchers are stationed all over downtown near Temple Square and The Joseph Smith Building. They have chairs set up and wear orange safety vests when they are on duty (I told you-they are SERIOUS) 
There are even orange caution signs posted by the City stating "Warning: Falcon Bird Watching Area" Honest-it is posted on South Temple right out side Deseret Book.
Sometimes, I am not sure if it is more fun to watch the birds or the Bird Watchers.
If you are not in downtown Salt fear...there is a webcam inside the nest way up high on the Joseph Smith Building Click HERE to see .
I am staying right downtown so I see the birds on my morning walk around the city and see them when I am out for my evening walk around the city (and all day long when I am outside enjoying the beautiful Salt Lake City summer)
If you are in Utah, make the trek downtown before they leave for the wild at the end of July.
Have you ever watched the Falcons in 
downtown Salt Lake City?

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