Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Breaking My Own Never Say Nevers

Garage Sale: This Saturday, My House. Yes, My House. My "stuff". Every time I have a Garage Sale, I say, I will NEVER do that again. Yet, here I am, one year after that NEVER statement, organizing a Garage Sale. My neighbor, Michelle, is holding a Garage Sale at the same time. We are advertising together. I don't feel like I have a lot of Garage Sale worthy "stuff" right now. I have more ebay worthy "stuff"...the brand new, barely used, in perfect condition "stuff".
My girls cheer at the possiblity of setting up a table and selling to every person who enters our driveway. Last sale was so profitable, the NEVER is lost in the memory of the $$.
The adventure is just begininng! Oh the stories of the Garage Sale shoplifters, bargainers, night-before-shoppers, extra early bird arrivals, and on and on. I can harldy contain myself amid all the "stuff"! Great blog material for next week!

1 comment:

love.boxes said...

Can't wait to hear about it!