Friday, June 1, 2007

Hurricane Season Is Here

It is official!
June 1 marks the opening of Hurricane Season This is a photo of Hurricane Frances that hit us 11 days BEFORE Hurricane Jean hit us. Everyone asks why I live in Florida, "with the hurricanes, heat, and all" I say every area has it's climate extremes. I would much rather deal with Hurricanes than snow, ice storms, and a long winter. Air conditioning solves the heat issues, Exterminators handle the bugs.
This is the time of year where Floridians use words and phrases such as: Feeder Bands, Cone of Error, Strike Possibility, Generator, Stock Up on Supplies, Prepare a Safe Room, Watch, Warning, Shutters, Plywood, Battery Power, Evacuate, Flood Zone, Storm Surge, How long will the electricity be out, I have a great idea for cooking on the grill, When will school re-open, When do I go back to work. Category 1, 2, 3, ,4, 5. Four way stop, Empty Grocery Store shelves, Long Gas Station lines, No Gas available, No Electricity to Pump the Gas if it is available, Empty ATMs, No electricity to run the ATMs if they are stocked, airports closed, time to stay home, prepare your home, help your neighbors,and enjoy being with your family. It is a tropical version of northern "snow days"
Every Year, my Hurricane Preparations are a little more fine tuned. Being prepared for any emergency or disaster gives peace and calm at a time when emotions are running high and most people are not thinking clearly. Because of being prepared, I find it possible to reach out and help my neighbors and friends with their preparations. Every year, as a service to the Community and our Church Members, we have conducted a Hurricane Preparation Fireside (seminar) Our Church has done this for years-way before the rest of the community deemed it necessary or relevant. In the case of any emergency, you will find us, The LDS People, at the center of preparation and recovery efforts, quietly moving forward to assist. Not looking for the spotlight or front page, just bringing peace and comfort to those in need.
With each Hurricane, there comes a unity and closeness in the community that I have experienced at no other time. It is a time to learn and become stronger for families, individuals, and communities.

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