Saturday, September 8, 2007

I Got On The Twilight Bandwagon

The Twilight Series...
Generally, I am a few years off when it comes to current books, movies, etc. Call me a late bloomer. With the Harry Potter books, I started reading #1 when #4 came out and I usually see a movie when it is released to DVD after about a year. Why, then did I jump on this book series bandwagon... I have no idea. I was hesitant to read this book even though I have heard great reviews, because I did not want to read a book just because the author and I happen to be the same religion (we are both LDS-Mormon) It is sort of like wanting the make sure I support Mitt Romney because he is brilliant and capable of being President (which he is), not because he is a Mormon. That is just one of my little quirks... not jumping on a bandwagon for the wrong reasons.
On Wednesday, I completed this book....
Then I went searching for the next book in the series....New Moon
Curt and Carmen were leaving for Utah that day and Carmen wanted to read Twilight on the trip home. They headed out to Barnes and Noble to purchase their own copy, yet when it came to finding a copy of New Moon, they were striking out. Since they had already eliminated a few of the locations for me to not go searching, after a few more strikes out, I did what I should have done in the first!!! Standard Shipping, Ordered on Wednesday, Arrived on Saturday.....
Look What showed up on my doorstep today......Hooray!
Along with.....
As far as my opinion on Twilight, once I got through the beginning, which, in my opinion, dragged on and on, I enjoyed it and could not put it down. I must say, the entire first half did not "grab" me and I was thinking that I would just finish this book and not bother with the others. Thankfully, the twists and turns pulled me in and had me on the edge of my seat. So much so that tonight, when the little girls go down, I will put the final touches on my Young Women Lesson and then I am Forks, Washington while Ron is in Gainesville at The Univerisity of Florida Game!

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