The List Keeps Growing and Growing...
With two little girls, we have an extensive (rhyming with expensive) Polly Pocket Collection. Finally, I got around to checking the Mattel Toy Recall List....Oh my.... we have at least 6, and counting, Polly Pocket Sets on the Recall List. I registered with Mattel to receive my return shipping labels and for the complete return instructions.
Now the real fun begins.... putting all the sets together....oh yes, I can hardly wait...thank goodness we are out of school today (what a choice-go to the Beach or sort Polly Pocket sets). One of my main gripes about Polly Pocket Toys (toys I am already not too crazy about) is all the small, I mean small, teeny, minute pieces. We have them all in one big tub. With a little sorting we will have them separated and ready to return. I must say, I do like the old original Polly Pocket sets, but the sets of the past few years are not on my favorite list. I will take LEGOS any day!
Polly Pocket Sets Are the Tip of The Iceberg...
Yesterday's recall announcement got my attention.... Children's Garden Toys from Target. The ones we have been using to dig at the Beach all summer. Where will this list ever end? What will be recalled next?
Getting in to the economics of this recall will begin my editorializing on Big Box Retail (WM and others), Trade with China, Consumer Education, and the pressure for all retailers to provide rock bottom, low dollar prices. Don't get me started on this subject (at least not today). It is probably a good thing I am pressed for time this morning.
I am feeling the same way-- I told Nik that I have no idea what "real" toys baby will be getting for Christmas. I think we'll be buying nice wooden toys.
As for the Polly Pockets, I agree! I certainly did NOT enjoy picking up all those tiny pieces when I was a nanny in Wellington. Good luck with that adventure!
Also, I bought some stuff at Target the other day and after receiving the RSS feed about the recall for the garden tools, I am returning what I purchased just to be safe. I'm beginning to wonder how many toys out there have been over the limit all these years? Scary!
I hope C.B. never discovers Polly Pockets ( or Barbies). I've been told good luck from other moms.
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