Thursday, September 6, 2007

An Update From Andrew

The Latest Photos From Peru....
Let me see... guess which one is Andrew, aka "Alto Gringo"
Using his words, "Everyone seems to come up to my belly-button as far as height is concerned."
As far as Andrew's health- keep him in your prayers. He has been transferred to the Mission Office. I call this the, "Get Elder Hostetler healthy transfer"
I was lamenting over a wild day last week and Andrew quickly gave me some perspective. He said, "At least you are not sharing a cold shower with 10 people and the shower nozzle comes up to your stomach." When I read that, I was enjoying a house full of company where 10 people were sharing 4 clean showers--all with hot water, clean towels, and a wide choice of soaps, shampoos, conditioners, etc. Thanks for the perspective, Andrew.
You can take the Boy away from the Gators, but can't take the Gators away from the boy!
Go Gators--even on the streets of Peru!
PS- Curt-notice the scans! I got to the file! Thank you!


Emilyah said...

I really enjoy these updates about Andrew, I'm so amazed how much he has grown up and matured! How much longer does he have on his mission?

love.boxes said...

Hope he gets well. My husband went to Peru two years ago. He loved it there. There people were so kind.