Thursday, October 25, 2007


Fires... Wedding Date...Blog Updates....
I called my friend Cathi in California last night as I was thinking she may be evacuated due to approaching wild fires in her area. After confirming that she was safe, we had to catch up on everything else.... two hours later, we had made good headway. I could have talked for two more hours had we been in the same time zone! Cathi is a California girl who lived here in Florida for a few years. We agreed..... Hurricanes are better than fires.

Jeffrey posted some great photos and stories surrounding our trip to Utah and Ron's Birthday weekend.

I have had this question frequently... When are Jeffrey and Alison getting married? JUNE 13...yes Friday, June 13. Friday the 13th is a lucky day for our family so they are starting off on the right foot! They are planning to marry in the Florida Orlando Temple. This date was set with the fact that Andrew will be home from his Missionary Service two weeks prior to the wedding date.

Curt and Carmen had their first dusting of snow...... hard to even imagine as I crank the a/c down.

Andrew (Elder Hostetler) made a request for more photos from the past. As soon as I can kick in to scanning high out.... photos from past will be blasted in to cyber space.


Cathi said...

I could have talked another two hours too. Good friendship and good conversation. It doesn't get better then that.

Cathi said...

Oh! Congratulations to Jeffrey and Alison. They are such a darling couple. Perhaps I'll drop by their Blog and say it personally.