Look Who Stopped By Tonight!!!!
Ryan R was in town tonight from North Carolina, where he now calls home. He was here for work. It was great to have him stop by for a visit. He is doing well, looks great, and just purchased a new home. He continues to work as a Small Airplane Pilot/Salesperson. He is a jet-setting globe-trotter, traveling for business all week long.
When I answered my phone, someone was calling from the front gate of our neighborhood. I could not figure out who the caller was until I heard his voice for a few more words. He asked, "Is this the house with all the parties?" Yes, Yes, and Yes again, my neighbors would all answer. I buzzed him in and asked Ron to try and guess who our visitor would be an any moment. He arrived before Ron could guess. I did not give many identifying clues.Ryan is a dear friend of our family and grew up with Curt. He was one of Ron's Webelo Scouts many moons ago!Thanks for stopping by, Ryan! I wish you could have been here over the weekend to see Gary and Nancy and their children!
Shauna, you guys get all the visitors. Of course, it allows all of us old-timers to get a glimpse at our old friends lives. Someday we may just have to drop in on you.
Marianne- You know you are always welcome and we would love every second of a visit from you!!!!
I saw this post when you initially published it and I've been trying to figure out who this guy is with Ron. He looks very familiar but I can't quite piece it together. The mind is the first thing to go I guess. Superherotrainer was right, you get all the cool house-guests. Next time we make it down to visit my folks, you can count on us dropping by!
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