Florida Gator Alumni Band Weekend
Ron got his trumpet warmed up and off he went! Go Gators! Go Ron!
What an amazing experience just to watch the former Band Members, Majorettes (still fitting into their college uniforms-an impressive event in and of itself!), Flag Corps, Twirlers, Cheerleaders, etc.
They all march out at half time in front of the current Gator Band.and perform a song alone before the current Gator Band joins them for another song, and other traditional University of Florida Songs. I must say they sound incredible alone...after so many years....many, many years for some of them.
Let me say... there were some 40+ year olds in their college Twirler and Majorette Costumes (think tiny, skimpy, little fabric, nothing to camoflouge the years....) They simply looked amazing. What a motivater to put that on every year!!!! Were it not for the fact that they their shoes were different, I could not tell most of them apart from the 20 year olds. WOW! I will just say.... WOW!

Sitting by the band was totally fun. They keep the entire stadium Rockin'
Throughout the game, many of the Alumni Band members would play along with the Band. Especially The Fight Song. The high scoring game gave plenty of Fight Song opportunities.
If I could have ordered weather, this day would have been it. Not a cloud in the sky. Freezing temperatures in the morning (we were bundled up) and then perfect temperatures in the afternoon. Game time was amazing. We were in full sun the entire game and were never hot. Jeff and Alison were in the shade and said they got chilled at times.
Here I am with my Rock Band Star Hero! Pre-Game
When we started out in the morning. It was too cold for the girls to sport their Gator Cheerleader outfits. Katherine managed to put her top on. I think I am the only person (other that the opposing team players and fans-which was a small number-FAU Owls) in the stadium of 90,000 who is not wearing some form of orange and blue

Go Gators!
I love that smile on Ron's face! He's having a really great time!
Go Ron!
Too too fun!!
A great time had by all, yes?
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