Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Oh Yes!!!!
I could eat my way through November and December... A different Holiday Treat every day. Ghirardelli Peppermint Bark is at the top of my favorites list. Not only are these deeeeeelish, add a fun ribbon around one of the large bars and it makes a cute gift.
How do you pronounce Ghirardelli? Do you say the G with a "J" sound or the actual "G" sound? Do you leave the second "R" silent? Just curious...I hear it so many ways. Of course, I have my way and it sounds right to me....until I hear the other variations!
However it is pronounced.....The most important factor is the taste! It is the best.
I just saw Ghirardelli Peppermint Chips for baking. They would be awesome in a chocolate cookie. I will have to investigate and report!


Emilyah said...

Mmmm... we LOVE this stuff, Nik bought it during a business trip in San Francisco last year! You must let us know what great things you bake with the chips- I'd love to use those too!

Cathi said...

Where are you buying this good stuff??

Erika said...

We say Jeer-a-deli. I know it's probably wrong, but that's how my mom says it and I can't break the habit.

Shauna said...

Yes, Erika, that is how I pronounce it.

Shauna said...

Cathi--Target is where I bought mine!

Jenni said...

The letters ghi in Italian make the hard "g" sound, so it is gear-ar-deli, but I don't think it matters how you say it.