Sunday, December 30, 2007

Old Home Week Excitement

Every One Is Growing Up...
At Christmas, it is always fun to see the college students return at Church. Most of these kids, I have known for years, if not their entire lives. My boys grew up with these kids and they are part of our family. I feel like a second mother to so many of these kids. I love them like my own. I wish I had taken more pictures of everyone I saw. They would be so fun to share.
Yesterday was also Keith and Stacia's wedding reception, which added to the excitement of this season of Christmas and reunions with loved ones.
John, Lesley, Jeff, Alison at Keith and Stacia's Reception
Today at Church. The above photo includes Shane home from BYU-I and the below has the newly weds, Keith and Stacia, The no-so-newly weds, Kendra and Jeff, and The engaged to be weds, Jeff and Alison. This was taken outside the Wellington Chapel.
Shane made the mistake of asking if I was taking his photo for my blog.... YES, Shane, here you are! It was so great to see him. He is still tall, handsome, and has such a great spirit!
Keith and Jeffrey have been friends since birth. I could write a book about them. Keith has been married for a week now and heads back to Utah tomorrow with his bride, Stacia.
Jeff and Uncle Melvin
Melvin was bonding with his newest nephew, Austin, son of Michelle and Brett, who are here while Brett is doing an internship for.....guess who.... yes The Golden Arches!!!!
Sundays like these are so fun. Seeing all of these kids growing up into such incredible adults. I wish now that I had been a little more camera happy this weekend. Perhaps I will catch a few stragglers this week.


Cathi said...

Take a look at those three shiney new diamonds on those oh so young fingers!!

superherotrainer said...

Where does time go? Everyone looks great. I love that I can see what is still happening in my hometown. No one from my family may live there anymore, but Wellington will always be my "home"(outside of the home I create with Retep). Thanks Shauna