Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Merry Christmas

Christmas Morning
This morning, Megan and Katherine were two very excited little girls as they headed downstairs to see that Santa had, indeed found our house.
Last night, we left oats on the front door step for the reindeer to eat while Santa was inside leaving gifts. Last week, Megan asked Santa to please have the reindeer leave hoof prints....mmmm. This morning, Grandpa and Katherine went to the front porch to see that the oats were gone and then noticed that the early morning rain washed away any possible hoof prints that would have been left. Thankfully, Katherine noticed a white splat on the front porch near the empty oats bowl, Grandpa helped her realize that must be a reindeer dropping. (Thank goodness for the white splat of whatever)
Last night, after we went out to look at lights, we came home to a package on our doorstep. It was a gift Santa wanted us to have early (a new camcorder!!!) The attached note explained that the girls should not wake up too early and interrupt him they did last year. They interpreted the note to mean that because they interrupted Santa last year, he was not able to leave all of the presents. This year, it was not difficult at all to convince them to sleep a little later. No way were they going to mess with Santa and his schedule!
Today was a quiet day. We played games, ate and ate and ate, took naps and waited for Andrew to call (which ended up being tonight after 7) It was great to talk with Andrew!
We survived our first Christmas without any of our boys at home. I will cry if I think about it too much! Thank goodness Grandpa and Grandma came down to stay with us!!! We played a new game... Apples To Apples! Totally fun for all ages!
If you were wondering what the screaming coming from South Florida was this morning.... it was my two very excited little girls opening our new Nintendo Wii!!!!!
Wow! Oh, I mean Wiiiiiiiiii!
Merry Christmas to All!!!!!

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