Sunday, March 16, 2008

Name Trivia

How common is your name?
Your First?
Your Last?
How Many people share the same
First And Last Name with you?
Go HERE to find out.
According to this site...
In The United States.....
There are 25,809 people with my FIRST name
There are 9,352 people with my LAST name.
What we I have always known...
There is just ONE of ME! I am one of a kind!
No one else in the US with my First AND Last Name.
Share your results!!!!


Gardener said...

There are 1645 others like me in the U.S.

superherotrainer said...

There are 174 like me in the U.S.
If you use my maiden name there are only 4.
Sounds like I was more original with my given name.

Emilyah said...

Hmmm. It worked for me - there are 38 people with my married name. There are 0 people named "Nikolas"... apparently the site isn't accurate. ;)