Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Fun Books

Megan The Reading Machine...
Dont take my word for it...
Megan gives a first hand review of these fun books...Here
She has turned in to a Lean-Mean-Huge-Chapter-Books- Reading Machine....
You will note that in her recent posts.

While reading the above (which took her only one day), I could hear Megan laughing from every corner of the house.


love.boxes said...

My daugher wants to read these. Glad Meghan like them. :)

superherotrainer said...

Peppermint Dragon loves to read. I often catch him staying up late reading. He gets through series so fast that we are always looking for something new to read. I'll have to recommend these to him.

Eric said...

'Diary of a Wimpy Kid'...I didn't authorize a biography of my life!