By Carolyn Jessop with Laura Palmer
Every time I see Carolyn Jessop interviewed on TV, I am impressed with the way she handles herself, the information she provides, and HER STORY!!!!!
I wish the interviewers would STOP interupting her as they switch the the "experts". She is THE EXPERT!!!!
She has my vote for Mother of The Year this Mother's Day Season.
Carolyn Jessop, 4th wife of Polygamist, Merrill Jessop, is the first woman to successfully escape the FLDS Polygamist Community WITH her 8 children and then be awarded custody of them. Every odd was against her, yet she pushed forward and literally fought for her life and the lives of her children.
Her story is amazing and well written. The information she shares is the key to helping many others escape the oppression and abuse of the FLDS Community. Rather than write in a bitter, expose' style, she share the facts about her day to day life as a Polygamist wife of one of the most powerful men in the FLDS Community. I was riveted at each page. When I completed the book, it left me wanting more! I am hoping she will write a follow up in the years to come.
Read this book!!!! Order it here today!!!!
That being said, with the FLDS Texas raid in the news, I have had many opportunities to explain that I, a Mormon (Member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints), have absolutely NO AFFILIATION with the FLDS. Regardless of what they may say or how the MEDIA does not draw the line. NO AFFILIATION....Hello....why do they insist on broadcasting the polygamy stories with the LDS Salt Lake Temple in the background? Get it right!!!!!
Here are some examples of some of the discussions I have had recently:
1) I walked in to the gym to do my routine exercise. Within minutes, my friend, the local Jewish Rabbi, was next to me. He was paying me a compliment as he said..... I know YOU are a REAL MORMON, not like those on TV. He went on to tell me that he used me as an example to explain to people that the Mormon Church has no affiliation with those Polygamists and that he defended me and my people (The Church) at every turn. Wow! I did not know he was watching out for me like that!
2) A few weeks ago, I entered the Hair Salon for my regular appointment. Within minutes of me sitting down, the salon became silent as everyone gathered around me (all the clients listening, but pretending NOT to be listening) I was able to explain why we are not affiliated with the FLDS, what the confusion is, why we don't practice Polygamy, etc.
Just to sprinkle the moment with some light heartedness, I told them I was headed to Utah that next week and asked them, if any of them would like for me to bring home a Polygamist Prairie Dress as a souvenir....the all laughed and said..."YES....One in every color!"
I was able to use this line with a few other friends as I was headed to Utah in April. They were amused that I had actually seen these people in "real life" out and about in various Utah communities.
My hair stylist also laughed when I told her I wanted my hair done up in a bun on the top of my head. I think the fact that I could be light hearted, helped them feel comfortable asking me what felt like hundreds of questions.
It is a great pressure for me to feel as though I am the "spokesperson" for my faith. It happens at times I least expect it, yet I am always interested to hear what people think I actually believe. The opportunity to clarify, teach, and defend always ends up being a positive experience, generally opening up a dialogue for future discussions.
Over the years, as I have seen various Polygamist groups, I would just turn my back (like everyone else) and think.. oh that is just them. Never did I consider the abuses and oppression of women and children that take place in this community. This absolutely has to stop. The abuse and oppression cannot be continued in the name of Religion.
I remember working at JCPenney (imagine that, I worked for JC Penney) in downtown Salt Lake City while I was at College.It was not uncommon to see several women enter the store with 20+ young children. They would all walk in a line according to height.....always silent and very well behaved. They would go to the shoe department and all sit down to be sized for shoes. It was always very orderly. They were in and out. Of course, I wanted to stare at the way they were dressed, but as I said, I did not give much thought to the fact that life for them was, perhaps, a living hell on earth. The fact that the children were so well-behaved, I did not associate with the fact that they would be severely beaten or punished if they "stepped out of line".
Hooray for Texas for having the courage to hit this issue head on! Come on Utah, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, etc..... it is time you attack this issue head on!
Thank you, Carolyn Jessop for being an absolute hero. She is the goldmine authorities need as they move toward protecting thousands of innocent victims.
I am so happy I purchased this book and that she may benefit financially from my purchase. Carolyn is simply amazing! You will marvel at her strength and tenacity!!!!
Obviously, I could go on and on about this subject. There are so many issues to explore and address. So many people who need to be protected. So many people (mostly men, but some women are abusers of the children and each other) who need to be brought to justice. Warren Jeffs is the tip of the iceberg.
Have you read this book?
Do you plan to read this book?
What is your opinion on the FLDS Texas raid, community,etc.?
Have you been following this story?
I stay as informed as possible on anything associated with this subject.
I feel torn about this story. I am no fan of polygamy, and it's obvious that there is a lot of terrible abuses going on in these communities, but I really feel that the Texas authorities skipped over due process to remove those children from their homes and when that starts being allowed by judges and the general public it can happen to anyone.
My heart goes out to these children most of all and I hope something can be done to give them a better life.
I am a big fan of Ms. Jessop and her courage to get her story out there.
hey thanks again for sharing your brilliant mind
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