Pie Eating Contest
Wellington Ward Picnic
For the 5th Year in a row, Wayne Mesake was the winner of our Annual Memorial Day Picnic Pie Eating Contest. He has mastered the art of Pie Eating with a unique style.
Congratulations, Wayne!
Below is a sampling of Pie Eating Contests in the Adult and Junior Division.
Andrew...wearing a cherry pie!

She held her own amazingly well.
Michael W., Andrew, and Jackie...Ready to go!
Here they go...
Come on, Beau...You Can Do It!!!!
About Half Way Through... Andrew was losing steam.
Go Katherine, Go!!!
Cute, Heather!!!!
After much coaxing, Star was a great sport and joined the Adult Contest! Way to celebrate your High School Graduation week, Star!
Allara, ever the great sport.... she is 12 and this pie was as big as her! She had her usual, "can-do" attitude and away she went!

This is Maverick..right before he was declared the Junior Division Winner!!!

Here is Megan after downing a miniature Blueberry Pie in the Junior Contest!
She waited for weeks for this moment!

I looked at the first picture before reading the title of this post...I was so relieved after reading the title. I thought this poor guy had a disease or something...and then read it was pie. Oh thank goodness!
It looks like everyone had a great time!
I could go for one of those little junior pies!!
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