(and a few words)
Every day this week has been full. This time of year, there is always too much going on. It is all good and I find myself having to choose between good and good often.
When schedules get this crazy, I count the days until school is out and look forward to a change of pace. I am so happy when we are not running to and from activities.
I am also so happy when we can spend our days at the beach not having to rush home to get to the next event. Each summer, I raised my boys at the beach and it is looking like I am doing the same with the girls each summer.
Here is the Mother's Day Report.
My family (Ron) always make sure I have a corsage to wear on Mother's Day.
Even when I had babies who would generally smash or pick the flowers apart,
I have had a Mother's Day Corsage.
I appreciate this thoughtfulness.
I appreciate this thoughtfulness.
Oh... I am craving exercise.
With this darn cold (8 weeks and 2 anitbiotics later) I am just now feeling like I can push. I just hacked and coughed every time I got my heart rate up.

I am definitely curious....maybe the word should be cautious!
True to Andrew's character,
I had to unwrap several boxes within boxes to get to my gift from
The Hostetler Boys....just what I asked for....the Push Up Pro Set.
I am working with them every day!
Thanks Boys!

To my delight, I found a new Sewing Machine.
I have actually wanted this for a year, but did not even tell Ron, or anyone, for that matter.
Hooray, I am so excited.
Both of my girls want to learn to sew.
I am planning to give them sewing lessons as part of our summer fun.

Now she is wearing a blue cast.
She has 4 more weeks of wearing a cast on her foot.

This is the daily routine at school.
Each morning, Katherine goes to the clinic to pick up the wheel chair
and then wheels Megan to class.
In the afternoon, Katherine goes to pick up Megan and wheels her to the front office,
where she returns the wheelchair.
Megan's classroom is the farthest away possible of all the classrooms,
which has made this wheelchair a lifesaver. Or, in her case, an arm-saver.

(Note...Ron assisted and he got an A+)
Megan had to make a diorama depicting a room in Ralph The Mouse's House
using completely recycled materials.
She used the Golf Tees she collects in our backyard.
Note the ceiling light and the cups on the table are all made with Golf Tees.
Also used are gum boxes, matchboxes, jello boxes,
pictures from the newspaper, lids of all sizes, toothpicks, etc.
Yesterday, 3 of the 5th Grade Classes invited parents to a reception to view their Pulished Books and to meet the authors. What an incredible project. Each child wrote a story about their future and then illustrated each page. Wow!!!
This has been THE BEST SCHOOL YEAR our girls have ever had. Hands down.
Five years at the Private Christian School cannot compete with the incredible experiences, the kindness, the love, the support, the academics, and over-all amazing school we attend.
We are not at this school by accident. I feel so blessed and watched over.
Another bonus... the school is almost in our backyard.
This makes biking to school a reality (unless you are wearing a cast on your foot)
Next year, Katherine will attend Middle School at the top of the neighborhood.
Another great place we can ride bikes to.
The closeness of both schools is great for me as I spend a great deal of time in my children's school's as a volunteer and parent.
Amid all of the above, I have been working on Alison's Bridal Shower (which is TONIGHT!!!!) and working on the MSABC Committee. What is MSABC? Making Strides Against Breast Cancer for the American Cancer Society. This could become a full time job, if I allowed it. What a big undertaking for the Western Communities of Palm Beach County.
I am serving on the Executive Committee as the Sponsorship Chairperson.
of course there is my Young Women Calling (which needs more attention),
My house that needs Major attention, and the laundry, my family, my body, etc.
Lots going on.
As I say in my Blog Header.
I Would Be a Famous Author if I Did Not Have So Much To Write About!
Have a Great Weekend!
I will return with lots of photos from the Bridal Shower, and some stories, too!
Good and busy weeks are the best! It always feels good knowing you accomplished a lot.
It seems as though your Mother's Day was all you asked for and more. Tell me about the sewing machine.
Sewing Machine huh? I bought myself one a few months back, sat down and taught myself to make three baby blankets. They are on my blog. I would be game for learning something new or some tricks on my machine if you are down to teach me too! Let me know. -Valerie
Congrats on the sewing machine and happy belated mothers day. You truly are an amazing woman and mother!
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