Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Get Out The Tissues

I Am Already Crying...
It's just this thing I do... CRY....the first day of school and the last day of school.
I am happy/sad to send my children off the first day
I am happy/sad for the school year to end.
With 2 more full days of school, I am already weepy.
Katherine's teacher presented me with a beautiful bracelet yesterday
and that opened the floodgates.
I hope I make it through the week!
I figure the tears will stop just in time for a new crop associated
with my, Jeffrey's, wedding next week.
If you are a mom, you know exactly what I mean about the tears...
No explanation needed..they are just mom tears
Right now, I am so excited for school to end and for the slower pace summer brings.
I am not excited for Katherine to leave Elementary School and the most supportive school environment we have ever had.
I am excited for days at the beach this summer.
I am not excited to go school clothes shopping for a Middle School wardrobe....
the first year without Uniforms...
oh my...have you seen the store racks lately....
not much I want my 11 year old to wear (how to you spell... hoochie ma-ma)!
I am excited Megan had such an incredible year and it will continue next year.
I am not excited that for the next 6 years....the girls will not be in the same school!
When Megan is a Freshman and Katherine is a Senior!
We will only have one year of them both in High School and Seminary together.
I will make it through this week and all of the other milestones,
including first and last days of school.
There will be lots of happy/sad tears along the way...guaranteed.
Am I the only crying mom?


love.boxes said...

little c's teacher was so amazing this year and she had such a good year that I sent a gift and a letter and didn't go say good-bye.. I was afraid it would be the ugly crying.. and I really hate that kind of thing in public.

Linda said...

You definately are not the only cryiing mom out there...mine are 19 and 22 and they can still reduce me to tears in a second flat (tears in a good way, like yours).

You have alot going on now and alot to look forward to in the next few months...have fun!

Linda said...

You definately are not the only cryiing mom out there...mine are 19 and 22 and they can still reduce me to tears in a second flat (tears in a good way, like yours).

You have alot going on now and alot to look forward to in the next few months...have fun!

v johnson said...

nope.. If I were a mom I would be crying too!

Linnea said...

I cried today and my husband laughed.