Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Mario and Me

Hanging Out With Mario...
Here's for you, Josh! I told my nephew, Josh, that I met
Mario (THE Mario) at The Nintendo Headquarters.
Here is the magic moment caught on camera....
This was at the Nintendo Headquarters in Redmond, WA
when I was there for training as a Nintendo Rep
a few years ago. I had Six days of intense training...
not all fun and games, but it was enjoyable and I
learned so much!
Another day of training in this dream come true atmosphere.
It was fun to watch groups of children come up the stairs headed
to this area. They would be making all sorts of noise and then...
BOOM... they would become speechless when they
saw this sight at the top of the stairs.
This is a dream room for every kid (and most adults).
Fun memories.

1 comment:

Cathi said...

You girlfriend, have way too much fun!!