This Happened In The John
Setting: The Restroom at Costco, Royal Palm Beach, FL, with other people tuned in.
Time: Thursday afternoon on our way out of town for a 5 hour trip up the Florida Turnpike.
Who: My daughters, Katherine-11, Megan-9, and Me.
Keep in mind, we are in South Florida where, unlike Utah and many points west, the name,
John Bytheway is NOT a household word. For teens and adults who are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon), John Bytheway is a favorite author and speaker at EFY (Especially For Youth), Youth Conferences, and Firesides. The best LDS Circles (notably, LDS Youth Circles) John Bytheway is a Celebrity...pretty much a Rock Star of sorts.
While I was serving as Stake Young Women President (see photo below), I was able to bring John Bytheway to our Stake as the Keynote Speaker for our Youth Conference. He is an amazing person who speaks with humor. More importanly, He lives and speaks by the spirit. My grown children, and now, my two young daughters, LOVE listening to John Bytheway on CD and watching him on DVD. Read more about John Bytheway, HERE.
Girls: Mom, when we get in the car, can we watch The John Bytheway DVD?
We want to watch "Standards Night Live" (At this moment, I am thinking...what No Disney movies for the next 5 hours? Sweeeet!)
Me: Sure, as soon as we get on the Turnpike
Girls: John Bytheway is our favorite. He is not afraid to say what is right. He understands how we are supposed to live.
Me: Yes, I can't wait until you can hear him in person at EFY someday. Curt, Jeffrey and Andrew
got to hear him in person when they were teenagers.
Girls: WOW! They have seen John Bytheway in person?
Me: Yes, he even came to our Stake for Youth Conference many years ago. He stayed at Nick
and Shirley's house.
Girls: WOW! You have met John Bytheway?
Me: Yes, and I have pictures of your brothers with him. He even played his guitar with Andrew
after Youth Conference because Andrew was too young to attend. (photo below)
Girls: You have really met John Bytheway?
We leave the LARGE Handicapped Stall that fits all three of us and begin to wash our hands.
A Woman emerges from a stall...
Woman:Are you talking about John Bytheway...THE John Bytheway, the Motivational Youth Speaker? (Keep in mind..we are NOT in Utah or anywhere NEAR Utah and I know most any LDS, Mormon person within a 50 mile radius of this Costco. I definitely do not recognize this woman)
Me: Yes, have you heard him speak?
Woman: Yes, I am from Provo, Utah
Me: Do You live here now?
Woman: No, I am working here for a few weeks demonstrating my product at Costco.
Me: Where are you staying?
Woman: A Hotel.
Me: So you live in Utah...I am from Utah..originally...American Fork...we are neighbors. My son is in Salt Lake at LDS Business graduated BYU..One at UofF....I visit Utah often....
Woman: Yes, and I was raised going to Youth Conference and EFY. My parents taught me just cant tell right now from looking at me. (I thought she looked just fine.) My parents did all the right things for me...I am just a little off the track right now.
Me: Here is my contact information, name, phone, etc. If you need something while you are here, want directions to Church, etc.....Call me.
Woman: I am leaving Saturday, thanks. Thank you for reminding me about John Bytheway. Your kids are right, he isn't afraid to say what is right. I need to listen to him again. I just found out I am pregnant with my first child...I want my kids to listen to people like John Bytheway.
And off she went to demonstrate her product and off we headed up the Florida Turnpike. Just like that... in the most unlikely place, at the most unlikely time....a total stranger had an experience she needed at the exact time in her life she was ready to hear it. I am hoping that this woman remembers to listen to the words and counsel of many great prophets who are exactly the people John Bytheway listens to along with the words of Jesus Christ and the whisperings of The Spirit.

August 2004, I was in Seattle, WA, for a week-long Business trip. Each night, I had a driver who would take me places around town. Sometimes I had him alone and sometimes I shared him with others in my training group, of which I was the only LDS Member. My driver was breath of fresh air for me when the conversations or activities would degenerate.
One evening, my group got on the subject of names....unusual names. Soon, my driver mentioned, hey, how about the last name of Bytheway...I have heard of a guy named John Bytheway...ha, ha, By-the-way-I have to go to the John, etc..... As soon as we stopped, I said my driver, You are a Mormon, aren't you? He said, Yes, but how did I know? I told him....the John Bytheway story....I am LDS (Mormon) also. We laughed and then marvelled at this common bond. My driver became such a beacon of light for me that week....all because John Bytheway has been such an incredible Beacon of Light.
Thank you, John Bytheway, for living by and speaking by The Spirit at all times and in all places. When my children are looking for heroes walking amongst them, I am thankful they have someone like you as a role model.
Yes, you are a Rock Star....
What an awesome story. We really do set an example wherever we go. Even in the Costco restroom!!! I love John Byetheway, he is a great example for your girls to follow!!
Thanks so much for getting John Bytheway to the youth conference. I didn't know it was your work that brought him. It was a wonderful experience! He really is a wonderful youth speaker.
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