Sunday, November 2, 2008

Happy Birthday To My
Little Sister!
Finally, at 11 years old, I got a sister!
Me with my sister on Easter in 1973 at
The Independence Missouri LDS Visitors Center
(I remember that dress... after the first washing... the flocked
strawberries came off and I never got to wear it again..I think we
returned it to the store...most likely JCPenney..the only store
in my vocabulary growing up.)
Again in 1973 at our house in Independence, Missouri.
I remember her cute saddle oxford shoes. She had to wear
corrective orthopaedic shoes when she was very young,
so I was very excited when could wear "cute, normal" shoes.
Summer 1972, American Fork, Utah at our
Grandma's House. I had been in Utah for a few
weeks staying with my relatives. When my family
came from Missouri, I ran out to scoop my baby
sister up into my arms (I had missed her) She
did not recognize me and cried when I got near.
It broke my heart. Thank goodness she warmed up
shortly after that overwhelming greeting.
Summer 1974....I guess it was a long summer and my friend and I were bored so we decided to
dress my sister like a "hippie".

December 1996, Wellington Florida. The Crew Visited us as we had just moved into our new house. Katherine was on the way (Jeffrey and Andrew said I looked like a Tomato in my red maternity dress) My sister and her hubby had been married 1 year at this point. We sent them to Palm Beach for an anniversary dinner at Amici Restaurant where they had a front row seat to view the latest in surgical procedures, Chanel, Armani, and other heights of fashion.

In This Photo: BACK ROW: Ron, Me (the pregnant tomato) my sister's hubby and her, Brent, Andrew, my dad, my mom, Monique, Camille, Mark, NEXT ROW: Curt, Jeffrey, Joel, Kristina, Ashley. (niece, Nicole was on the way, however, an announcement had not been made at this point)

1 comment:

Jenni said...

yes, and you made me go trick or treating in the summer with that hippie one had any candy except one person had candy orange slices, bleh! i don't like those to this day! thanks for the great pictures! love you!