Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Forever In My Heart

Losses In 2008...
Right and left, I am reading or hearing of those who passed away this year. Celebrities and Public Figures mostly top the lists. Each time I contemplate the losses of 2008, my thoughts immediately turn to the passing of
Click above to read quotes by President Hinkley
The world is a better place because of the life and example of President Gordon B Hinkley. His Christ-like love and service leave a mark on this generation like no one else at this time in history ever has.
Do you remember where you were when you heard the news that President Gordon B Hinkley had passed away?
I was during Florida Presidential Primary Week. We had a house full of College Students from the Washington DC Area who were here to work on the Mitt Romney Presidential Campaign at Florida Primary Crunch Time. There were 10 of them staying with us, and interestingly, they knew very little about the LDS Church, even though their Political Candidate of choice was LDS Church Member, Mitt Romney.
I remember being so sad and sitting down late at night with these great house guests to share with them the sad news about President Hinkley's passing. It opened up a several hour long Conversation about Religion, Prophets, Faith, etc.
I knew when we were done with the conversation, that they had a deeper understanding of where their Candidate was coming from and it seemed to me that they had a great zeal to support him and his Presidential Bid.
They learned about the LDS Faith from me and I learned soooo much about Politics from these bright young College Students.
Where were you when you heard about President Hinkley's passing?
Do you miss him?
What is one of your favorite memories of him?
Happy New Year!
Oh...and I said we were staying home tonight...not true...
we will be out with friends...local. We decided to turn in to party animals...
Just could not resist.
Other excitement...Ron is going to the Orange Bowl Game tomorrow night.
Watch for him as a blip on the screen tomorrow night!

1 comment:

evelania said...

That post brought tears to my eyes just as the post you wrote about the pink Christmas "coincidence". I do miss President Hinckley and am so lucky I got to be here while he was our Prophet.
We were party animals too but did not bring the camera :( But it was so fun from our view because the housetops looked as if they were spurting fire and people lit their fireworks.