Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Watch Out Phase 10

The Great Dalmuti Has Come To Stay...
We enjoyed an early Christmas with Alison and Jeffrey last night before they head back to Gainesville today.
They gave us The Great Dalumti game for Christmas, and we played it with friends who came over to visit. (Anita, Leslie, Melvin, Michelle, Brett, Sean, Lauren, Andrew, Jeff, Alison, Ron, and Me) It was perfect for our group of competitive Card Playing friends.
Phase 10 needs to be comes another new family favorite card game! Thanks, Alison and Jeffrey!
Another gift I received last night was watching the interaction of my children as they shared very thoughtful gifts with us and with each other. Seeing your children give each other gifts and share love is the best gift a parent can receive. I am sure when we, God's Children, share gifts with each other (from the heart or the store), He is pleased to see us interacting with love and support.
Merry Christmas!
It's Here! Let The Celebrations go in to hyper-gear!
Remember to give a gift from your heart as you are wrapping up the gifts from the store!
Have you ever played The Great Dalmuti?


B. Allred said...

That game is awesome!

Emilyah said...

This game has been a family favorite of ours for at least 10 years- we LOVE it!!! I'm glad that you could discover and love it too!
Nik and I decided to take this game a step further and use ugly hats for the different places. i.e.- ugliest hat goes to the peon(sp?) and the crown (from burger king) goes to the Great Dalmudi. We played this all the time with friends in Omaha. If we ever make it to FL we'll have to come play with you all. :)