Thursday, May 14, 2009

Fear and Panic

Late one night, I woke up with the TV still on. Something that appeared to be an infomercial was playing, which would normally make me not tune in, however, I sat up straight and listened as I heard this thought:

Panic and fear are obstacles to
creativity and progress.
When people panic or allow fear to rule,
they become paralyzed.
This reminded me of some recent counsel from President Thomas S Monson. To summarize his words, he said that we live in a time where we need to:
Feed FAITH more than FEAR.
So......I am working on feeding Faith more and more, being paralyzed in not an option I want to explore.

1 comment:

Laurel said...

one of my faves: "Do not take counsel from your fears" (Boyd K. Packer)

I do too much of that.
but I'm trying to have more faith too.
