Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Why Is CNN In My Back Yard?

Maybe it is just a darn slow news day...Maybe Tiger Woods is out there...or...Maybe, just Maybe, they are looking for this not-so-little guy.
The Palm Beach Post Headline calmed my fears AT FIRST. A Black Bear was spotted in The Aero Club neighborhood of Wellington, which is across the way from me, and then a little closer, in The Meadowood Neighborhood. A little too close, but at least not in MY IMMEDIATE neighborhood. Then I read more....
A golfer spotted a Black Bear on the Fourth Green of Binks Forest Golf Course. I LIVE ON THE FOURTH GREEN!!!! SMACK DAB DEAD-ON FOURTH GREEN.

This may explain why Mr Riley was going nuts Sunday night (Monday am at 2) and I had to call 911 because I heard and saw "someone" outside my window.
Just another beautiful day in paradise!
For real!


B. Allred said...

That's crazy! All those years living in Florida and I never knew the state had bears.

John and Katie said...

If you can hold on 'till next month we can send Kendra's Jeff over to wrestle the bear!


I live in the acreage & YOU live in Wellington..........Is this bear Lost?

Eric said...

"Just playin through, folks...anyone seen my orange Titlist"?

Casey Gentle said...

He probably just wanted to take a dip in the pool. He's been blog stalking you like the rest of us and saw that you like fuzzy animals in your pool. Maybe he came for the pool and some ice cream! It is awfully hot for a bear to be running around the golf course.