Saturday, March 13, 2010

Sometimes a Bad Thing Is a Good Thing

Last Thursday night, before Time Out For Women, I turned quickly and SNAP, something hurt in my lower back and hip.
I will spare you the details, however, long story HURT and got worse each day I was in Orlando. I tried not to complain and just pushed on through the weekend.
Motrin, Heating Pad, and Rest all helped, but the pain was still there. I knew I just needed to go home and get to a Doctor.
Monday morning found me at the Chiropractor....X-Rays showed some trauma and the adjustments helped...sort of.
Tuesday and Wednesday...more adjustments and a phone call to the Orthopaedic Doctor to make an appointment just to cover my bases (it is next week)
Thursday....this is when A BAD THING CAN BE GOOD comes to the picture. The pain was the worst it had been. I could not get relief and decided I would ask Ron for a blessing (Hello...why did it take me almost a week???)
  • Friday the Chiropractic Adjustment was the best I had received all week.
  • The Blessing I received gave me healing AND reminded me of some things in my life I needed to focus on.
  • The Back Pain all week kept me from running around too crazy after the spiritual feast at TOFW. I was able to spend time digesting some of the thoughts and feelings I had all weekend.
  • Last night, I was able to go out with the family to celebrate Katherine's Birthday.
  • Today, I was able to make the trip to Orlando for a wedding (something I was fearful I would miss)
  • I needed to be in the Temple today!
  • I needed to ride in the car with Ron today....ALL ALONE to and from Orlando. WE NEEDED that time together.

The Bad thing (Back Pain) helped me be better prepared for the many good things in my life! I know this may not make sense to say, but I am thankful for the week of pain and discomfort. It brought me closer to the Lord.

1 comment:

Laurel said...

oh, bless you, my dear.
SO glad you got relief...and healing.

Loved being with you last weekend. How on earth was it just last weekend?!?
