Thursday, August 18, 2011

It's Over-Dont Cry

Summer Vacation is Coming To A Screeching Halt
And I don't like it one bit.
Our summer was exactly what we needed.
Some things are hitting me right in the face:

  • Megan will be a 30 minute drive away and be gone for 10 hours each day. I have driven her to school for 8 years and worked at her school for the past 2 years. 
  • Katherine starts SEMINARY and HIGH SCHOOL all in one breath! 
  • Katherine will be a 30 minute drive away and gone for 10 hours each day. I have been very involved in her school and activities.
  • We will be waking up at 5 AM every school day for the next 7 years.
  • I am truly at the crossroads I have planned for and dreamed about as far as a career, job, business. I am trying not to be scared as I face the amazing possibilities awaiting me.
  • Oh, and yes, my house is a needs some attention. OK, maybe not just some needs a large amount of attention!
For now, I am taking this advice that I have given others:
Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened.
Life is oh so good.

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