Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Official Arrival of Fall

Yes, I know, by the calendar, fall arrived a few weeks ago. In my mind, fall arrives with the presentation of The  General Relief Society Broadcast.  The broadcast last night was fabulous. One of my favorite messages was from our newly called General Relief Society President, Sister Linda K Burton. She said, Cleave to your covenants. When covenants are kept, families are strengthened. 
I have been pondering the eternal consequences of honoring covenants since she spoke. 
I organized a dinner prior to the broadcast. It was our ward and the Spanish speaking ward that meets in our building. There was a beautiful spirit all evening. The opening prayer and blessing on the food set the tone for a beautiful experience.
 Even though my fall decorations are in storage, I was able to rustle up some fall decorations. Brown paper bags and silk sunflowers on clearance came together for cute centerpieces. I used the bandannas from my stash of PTA fall carnival supplies and it all came together. Lots and lots of help made it all happen.
 We had salads and fall desserts. Everyone brought their yummy best and it was a delightful way to start the evening.
Fall Is officially here!
Let the General Conference preparations begin!

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