Thursday, August 23, 2007

American Girl Book Series

Practical Books For Girls and Real Life....
American Girl offers more than dolls, clothes, accessories, and a series of historical books to go with each doll. Books for real life situations and challenges are their latest offering. As the mother of 2 daughters, I am very impressed. Finding books, movies, or any media for that matter, with positive messages and role models for girls or boys is increasingly difficult.
Topics range from Friendship Troubles, Feelings, Caring for your Body, Preparing For Middle School, Manners, Staying Home Alone, Dealing with Sticky Situations, Math Smarts, A Guide To Money, Cooking, Babysitting, and many more.
Katherine, my 10 year old daughter, struggles with social and peer interaction (among a long list of other symtoms) due to Asperger Disorder. For her, the books dealing Feelings, Friendships, and Sticky Situations have been especially helpful. Reading them together has opened up more communication. As we discuss specific situations and emotions, it builds confidence knowing that she has understanding and support from me.
The tone of each book is positive. Girls are encouraged to be smart, honest, kind, brave, and true to what they know is right regardless of what those around them choose.
Below are photos of some of the books.
The best price I have seen is at, where else, Costco. They come in a set of 3 for the price of 2 at most book stores. I completely recommend each book for girls ages 8+ and their parents, grandparents, babysitters, teachers, and any other adults with pre-teens and teens in their lives.
I could write a post about each individual book. Most of the books also come with a journal or workbook-type companion.

1 comment:

superherotrainer said...

Have you ever been to the American Girl store in Chicago? It is awesome. I really want to take my daughter there in a few years for a mommy-daughter trip.