Friday Night Fun
Regardless of where I am or what exciting sites there are to see... there is one thing I am certain of... People are more important than any place or thing. I absolutely LOVE people and have been blessed to be surrounded by the best people on earth. My life is so rich and full as a result of those who I have crossed paths with or continue to walk with daily. I thank the Lord daily for the influence of wonderful people! The impact on me and my family is eternal.
We enjoyed a Warm and Friendly Gathering on a Cold and Rainy Friday Night. The incredible Curt and Carmen graciously opened their home for this very enjoyable evening!
Warning.... This is the longest of the Utah Trip posts. Each photo is fun to look at and be reminded of many years of great memories. We baked Papa Murphy's Take and Bake Pizzas and enjoyed visiting. Jeffrey and Alison had to leave for his Mission Reunion, yet were able to visit a few minutes at the beginning and end of this Gathering.
For more details of our trip last weekend, check Curt and Carmen's Blog
Ian B and Micheal W.
Shauna, Ron, Dana D, Emily L, Carolann C, Ryan J, Becky J
Dana D, Ian B, and Emily W
When I asked Ian if he was enjoying the BYU experience, he got a huge grin and said....
"You don't eeeeeeeven know!" He is such a great person, he deserves to have the time of his life, as do Dana and Emily. Rock strong young adults!
The Double Engagement Photo
Jeffrey, Alison, Stacia, and Keith
I can only imagine the conversation between Kendra and Jeffrey as Ron looks on.
Now let me say... it was WONDERFUL to see Cindy J and Ryan and Becky!!!!
It makes me realize how much I miss seeing them. I am so happy they are finding happiness in their new life and adventure in Utah. This is a first.... Cindy and me in a photo wearing WINTER clothes!!!
Michael W and Curt
Michael was visiting for General Conference from Florida with his dad, Bishop Watson, Brent, Melvin, Maverick, and Michelle's husband, Brett.
Emily W, Michael, and Dana were very happy to see each other. Emily's father is our Stake President, Dana and her family moved from our area to Jacksonville about 4-5 years ago. It was so good to catch up with Dana. I have always loved watching her grow.
Chris A and Ron
Carmen before her kitchen was over taken by Pizzas, Sodas, and People!

When I asked Ian if he was enjoying the BYU experience, he got a huge grin and said....
"You don't eeeeeeeven know!" He is such a great person, he deserves to have the time of his life, as do Dana and Emily. Rock strong young adults!

Jeffrey, Alison, Stacia, and Keith

It makes me realize how much I miss seeing them. I am so happy they are finding happiness in their new life and adventure in Utah. This is a first.... Cindy and me in a photo wearing WINTER clothes!!!

Michael was visiting for General Conference from Florida with his dad, Bishop Watson, Brent, Melvin, Maverick, and Michelle's husband, Brett.

Becky,, Cindy,
Kendra, Carolann, Ryan, Chris, Tiffany (Chris' girlfriend)
Shane (Carmen's little brother)

It's so very good to see Cindy, Ryan, Becky and Carolann. It's looks like a good time had by all.
So much fun! Maybe you already know (I'll be surprised if you don't) Chris and Tiffany are engaged now. :)
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