Thursday, October 18, 2007

Halloween Tradition... Great Pumpkin

An Idea For All That Halloween Candy...
My fellow Room Mom, Terri, told me of this Halloween Family Tradition.... I like it... She is definitely on to something here...
After they return from Trick or Treating with huge, heavy bags filled with Candy Treats
(I remember the days of my boys returning home with huge Pillow Cases FULL), my friend allows her children to fill a small brown lunch bag with their favorite candies collected during Trick or Treating.
The rest of the candy is placed in a large bag labeled, "FOR THE GREAT PUMPKIN"
When the children go to sleep, the candy leaves with 'The Great Pumpkin' -aka Terri and her husband. The next morning, in place of the candy, is a toy, book, gift certificate, small gift, or thank you note.
The candy leaves the house the next morning and is donated to a charity. They tell their children the candy will be shared with those who did not receive much candy for Halloween. What a great way to limit the weeks and weeks of candy and share with someone less fortunate.
There are so many ways to streamline this concept to fit your own family needs.

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