My First Gingerbread House
Of The Season....
This house will be auctioned off at the School Carnival week. It is relatively simple compared to many I have constructed and decorated.
In some circles, I have been called The Gingerbread Mom...

As a gift to my children's school classes each year, I give a Gingerbread House Making Day. Each child makes a small Graham Cracker Gingerbread house. Scout Groups, Church Groups, and neighborhood children have all participated in this tradition with me. Each Christmas season, I literally help build hundreds of these small houses with children.This is one of my favorite Christmas Time Traditions.
The large houses are a perfect gift to give someone who is hard to figure out a gift for.
I wrap them in cellophane and tie them with a beautiful bow. This makes a beautiful presentation. People use the large ones as Centerpieces and the small ones as favors at place-settings.
I started making Gingerbread Houses when I was 13 years old and sold them for $5. Wow! Add a 0 to the 5 and that is the minimum I get for most of the houses I make now.
Several Gingerbread House Making Days are already scheduled for the upcoming month... watch for the exciting reports here!
Do you make your gingerbread pieces or do you buy them? I never make gingerbread houses because I don't know how to make the pieces of gingerbread, and the "kits" you can buy seem really pricey.
I used to make all my own pieces, bake them, cut them etc. However, now I buy the pre-made kits and use their pieces, yet do my own decorating and design. The Pre-made kits are usually under $10 and very worth the price. I dont like the icing in those kits. I make my own Royal Icing. It is 3 Egg Whites, 1 1/2 pounds of powdered sugar, 1/4 tsp Cream of Tarter. Beat it in an electric mixer until the icing stands is shiny and can stand up on it's own in "peaks".
Use a cake decorting bag and tip. It is easier than the bags they provide in the kits.
Only for the really large, custom houses, do I make my own pieces anymore.
I want to come!! I really do!! Can I be your other "Catherine"??
Get on the plane NOW!
Oh my heck! This is sooo cute!
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