November Is National
Pomegranate Month....
It is fitting to close the month of November with a favorite fall/winter snack at our house. The Pomegranate. We get so excited when they arrive in the stores. Pomegranate season is generally from October to February. The appearance of Pomegranates in the stores signal fall and winter.
When I return home from the store with a Pomegranate, both of my daughters are delighted.
Opening this fruit is tedious, exciting, and messy, yet well worth the work. We loved them before the health benefits were known... antioxidants, fiber, potassium.... They are delicious in salads, juice, smoothies, or on their own. As wonderful as they are to eat, they are also beautiful as a decoration. Ours don't get to sit around for decoration too long.
Want to learn more about this amazing fruit..... click here
Warning.... they are delicious and messy, messy, messy!
I made pomegranate jelly one year and it was soooo good however the mess reminded me to never make it again. :(
So pretty on a salad too!
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