Saturday, December 8, 2007

Christmas List

As Santa arrived at the end of the Lake Worth Christmas Parade today, I asked each of my girls what they want Santa to bring them (I have not seen lists or heard many requests) I suggested that they write a letter to Santa to let him know what they would like for him to bring (I need to make sure I am on the right path!) This evening, eight year old Megan asked me to help her mail the following letter to Santa. It is typed exactly how she wrote and spelled.
Dear Santa
What I want for Christmas is a bike from that old mall (she means the original Wellington Mall) it has flowers on it and its green and purple and I want a Wii or two (she explained to me that she wants two Wii's-one for her and one to give away to someone who may not receive one and wants it badly) and a controler with the game of Wii sports and my dog gets potty trained. (YES!!!)
Also maybe an XBox and gta2 (thanks Jeff) if my mom said its ok. And 2 Webkinz only if its ok.
Also if its ok to maybe see a rain deer or maybe a picture of you or your rain deer or if you can't I will might just want to hear a bell or something and I dont know everything else I want but if you know can you you bring them?
Megan (full name)
I forgot to tell you. I also want a laptop maybe to only if you think it is ok. And is it really true that you had a pet penguin and a worlock gave you your power
(we watched "Santa Claus Is Coming To Town" today and that was part of the movie)
What a relief... I am on the right track. No requests from out in left field!


Curt Hostetler said...

You're on the right track? Megan is getting GTA2 and a laptop? :)

Shauna said...

Ha Ha! You know me better than that! If my kids get a laptop before me.... then there really IS a Santa!