Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas Photos

Christmas Eve And Christmas Day
For whatever reason, I was not shooting too many photos Christmas Eve or Christmas Day.
We celebrate with a formal Family Dinner on Christmas Eve, followed by reading The Christmas Story from Luke in The New Testament. We have the children put costumes together and act out the Christmas story as it is read by Ron. We intersperse Christmas Carols along the way. Each year is a new surprise.This year, we had 4 little girls to fill all the parts of the Christmas Story. They doubled as Angels, Wise men, Shepherds, and the Inn Keeper. Riley was the donkey and a sheep (in years past, being the donkey is Megan's favorite role) We really missed Uncle Brent for this Nativity Play.
Megan as a shepherd with one of her sheep. You can see that 6 month old Riley is getting big. He is such a lover. He will be so happy to have our house quiet and routine again!
Valerie and her Grandpa as Joseph and Mary looking on as Shepherd Megan visits the newborn baby Jesus.
The Wise men visit bearing gifts...
After the Christmas Story and Carols, we went to look at Christmas lights. When we returned, there was an early package from Santa on the front porch with a note. He wanted us to have our new camcorder for Christmas Morning.....
Before we opening gifts, Katherine checked to make sure the reindeer ate the oats we put out. There was only one bite left.
Megan, Katherine and Riley with his new toy are ready to open gifts...
The gift opening begins with checking the stockings....
Santa brought awesome bikes...
More gift opening....
Riley and I at the end of the gift opening.... if it was not Christmas morning with no shower, etc, I would not publish such a photo of myself.
Gifts from my "Pink Christmas" Buddy, Amy H. from Lehi, UT
An adorable decorated tin and the gorgeous book that she MADE!!!! You would swear it was purchased from Barnes and Noble! Thank you, Amy!

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