Thursday, December 27, 2007

Wii Are Having Fun

Wii Is Evidence That Santa Is Real
See below for Complete Proof
Ron told me tonight he has "Wii Elbow"
They have been playing baseball, tennis, pool, ping pong, and bowling right in the Family Room.
Katherine and Ron playing Baseball
Fifteen years ago when my boys received their first Gameboys, they screamed and screamed and screamed..... just like their little sisters did yesterday when they opened The Nintendo Wii. Those loud screams coming from South Florida were from my house... they are over the shock now and totally immersed in Wii Play. The Wii was being developed when I worked for Nintendo. Never could I have imagined how absolutly awesome this system would be. This is me speaking.... the anti-video game mom! Even working for Nintendo as a company rep did not swing me to the "buy video games for my kids" side.
The fact that our family received a Wii is complete evidence that Santa is real. As Katherine and Megan explained, "Our parents would NEVER buy video games for us, only Santa would give us a video game"
Megan took it a little further today when she told Katherine that Santa was absolutely real, because "Our parents would never, never, never buy make-up for you like Santa gave you" It looks like we got another year of Christmas Magic with our 8 and 10 year old.
Jeffrey and Alison come home tomorrow from Gainesville for a late Christmas Celebration.
It was so hard to have all 3 boys gone this Christmas. I am so excited to see Jeffrey and Alison! 51/2 months until their wedding (but who is counting???)

1 comment:

love.boxes said...

How fun! I love the lookds on their faces.