Monday, December 17, 2007

Full Throttle

Last Week and Beyond
It seems that when life is the most "bloggable" (new word for spell-check), I have the least amount of time to actually sit down and blog about life at full-throttle speed.
This photo has nothing, yet everything to do with the post below. I decided I had better get some Thanksgiving photos posted before Christmas comes and goes.Here we are in Gainesville, FL after our family favorite... Eating Out on Thanksgiving!
Last week was Non-stop Parties and Fun. Too much going in the evenings for my comfort, yet I am thankful for each event.
During the school year, I absolutely do not like to get in the car and go anywhere once we pull into the driveway at 2:30 after school. Last week, every night was packed full on top of days that were packed full.
Here is a re-cap of last week.
Monday: Megan's evening school program "Coming To America" (The Ellis Island Experience followed on Wednesday) I will definitely blog about this amazing program.She was in full "immigrant" costume.
Tuesday: Ron took the day off and we went shopping all day (a first in our marriage of 27 years)
In the evening, I hosted the Primary Activity Day Girls for Gingerbread House Building
Wednesday: During the day Megan had the Ellis Island Experience at School. I worked in the
Medical Unit administering immunizations to the immigrants (how ironic for me... I
cannot even look at a needle)
Katherine had voice lessons at 4
The evening found us hosting the Young Women for Gingerbread House Building
and Christmas Celebration
Thursday: Baking, Santa Lucia Day, Piano Lessons after school and then on to The Kravis
Center downtown where Katherine performed with the School Chorus. After the
Performance, we hit City Place for dinner at Cheesecake Factory. Late night for a
school night!
Friday: Shopping and Deliveries for my work. Picked up girls early from school to go deliver
cookies I made on Thursday to Ron's office. Went to see Santa at Gardens Mall, but the
line was too long. Girls had sleepover trade-offs with friends. We were beat Friday night.
Saturday: Took the girls shopping for Christmas gifts for those on their lists and then the BIG
EVENT.... We hosted all the Spanish Speaking people from Church at our house for
a "FIESTA". It was sooooo much fun. Dancing inside and outside, foods from various
Latin Countries, Karaoke in English and Espanol. Someone brought an amazing
sound system and great music to match. My house was literally rocking and rolling
Saturday night. Photos to follow.
Sunday: Church, then Ron and I left early to attend a party for my work at The Breakers Hotel. We
enjoyed their famous Sunday Champagne Brunch... a first for us (of course,
no Champagne) I did taste Caviar for the first time... no thanks.Back to Church for Ron
to help with Tithing Settlement. In the evening, I had Presidency Meeting with the Young
Women, Bishops Youth Council Meeting, and a Youth Fireside.
Oh yes, and somewhere in between all of the above, I did laundry, cleaned floors and bathrooms, cleaned up after Riley, attended school room-mom meetings, slept, cooked dinner,etc. etc. etc., sent out Christmas Cards, shopped for myself and those I work for, read stories to girls, kept the Advent Calendar doors filled, etc. etc. etc..... Full throttle..... Just like most moms during the month of December!
Ron has been at the Church most every night and longer than usual on Sundays due to Tithing Settlement. That should be done this week.
Today..... I picked up the girls from school and headed to see Santa at The Gardens Mall. The wait was the longest I have every waited... 45 minutes. I think this is the last year for the magic of Santa. With Katherine being 10 and Megan being 8, we are already living on borrowed time. Photos later. I have to load them.

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