Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Packages In Peru

The Packages Are There!
Every day, the Care Packages are arriving. The mail to Peru is faster than the mail from FL to UT...seriously! As best I can tell, the packages arrive in less than 1 week.
This has been (is) an amazing project to coordinate. 41 Missionaries are receiving incredible Care Packages. For most of them, this is the first and only mail they will receive the entire time they serve as a Missionary.
For more details, read here
Andrew called last night to give us a report. Below are a few of the experiences he had this week.

Here are a few experiences Andrew reported last night:

1) Andrew Called an Elder to ask for his ID for Customs so he could pick up a package for him. The Elder told Andrew there must have been a mistake because he does not get mail. Andrew assured him there was a package there with his name on it and there was no mistake.

2) One of the Elders received a bag of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. He went around sharing them saying these are from the very first package I have ever received in the mail.


superherotrainer said...

That's awesome!

Emilyah said...

This is so great, you are awesome for heading this project up. As Nik said to me when he read this earlier, "that is so neat"! I can't wait to hear more sweet stories about these missionaries and their gifts.

everything pink! said...

oh my! this is my first reading of your project. this is really amazing.