Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Hibiscus Tree

It Must Be Christmas...
My Hibiscus Tree Is In Hyper-Gear. Never have I seen so many blossoms at one time on my Hibiscus Tree. My ignoring this tree all year has paid off.
Hibiscus flowers always remind me of my friend, Dawn, and decorations she made for a fashion show we had at Church 21 years ago. She lined the runway with greenery and then MADE the most gorgeous Hibiscus Flowers with crepe paper. I was in awe of her creativity. When time allows, I will pull out the photos and scan them. It was breathtaking to have all the pink crepe paper flowers sprinkled amongst the greenery. The theme was tropical and she carried it through the entire event. I still draw upon the many things she taught me 20+ years ago.

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