Sunday, December 30, 2007

New Years Eve

What Are Your New Years Eve Plans?
What Are Your Favorite Memories or Traditions?
My most fun and memorable New Years Eve Celebrations are those spent at home or at the home of friends playing games, eating snacks, laughing, staying up late and watching The Ball Drop in Times Square in New York.
One tradition I started in 2000 is to take a picture of the little girls at exactly midnight to show how they looked as the New Year arrived. Up until recently, the photos were always taken of them asleep in bed. I always make sure the date on my camera is on for New Year's Photos.
We Toast with Sparkling Cider, usually with fancy glasses, but sometimes a paper cup does the trick just as well. Costco has a 4 pack for the best price around. This makes a great Happy New Year Gift with a gold star or bow tied around the neck of the bottle. I have given these to people who may have been out of town at Christmas or to neighbors, etc.
We set off fireworks in our front yard. It was more fun at our other house in the cul-de-sac, but we have figured out this neighborhood now. My boys will tell horror stories of having to vacuum the Fireworks aftermath mess from the road on New Years Day.
Silly String has become a huge part of our celebrations ever since 2000 when I celebrated with Melba B and Mary A and their children. We(ok, I) went very crazy with the Silly String. It is totally fun and festive. Go get some for your celebration!

Games, Games, Games! I love to play group party games, especially on New Years Eve. I think Charades is one of my favorite group games.
Totally Junky Snacks for New Years Eve.... Why.... Because, admit it, tomorrow you are going to diet and eat perfectly and exercise and lose a ton of weight.
When I was growing up, New Years Eve was one of the few times I can ever remember having soda in the house. What a favor my parents did for us by not having the kind of junk food around their house that I do!
There are so many fun ways to ring in the New Year.
New Years Day Brings.....
New Years Day we have a traditional dinner of Black Eyed Peas. As we begin the meal, every one checks under their plate to hopefully find a coin. A coin brings good luck for the coming year.
College Football Bowl Games (Go Gators)
Making sure the Christmas Tree and Lights are getting packed away.
Setting up my new calendars
Reviewing Goals
Going for a bike ride, run, or trip to the gym

1 comment:

Cathi said...

I’d much rather stay home than be out in a crowd. If the kid’s go out we will probably have the grand babies for a sleep over. If so we’ll naturally have to wear some hats, blow some horns and bang some pots.
A few years ago NY worked a flight to NY on New Year’s Eve and our room at the hotel looked right out on Time Square. (It pays to have an incredible husband. Everyone loves him including the Hotel personnel) It was awesome to see all the festivities and watch the ball drop but you could not have paid me to be down on the street with the million or so squished up people. I'm pretty sure I was left behind on the flight home being New Year's Day and all. I'll have to ask NY if that was one of the many times I stood at the window watching the cockpit wave good-bye to me. :)