Friday, December 7, 2007

Time Management

Computer Time Management
My kitchen timer helps me manage my Computer, aka, blogging time.
Anyone reading this knows that you sit down at your computer....start reading your e-mail...respond....enter a few blogs... then a few more...then a few more...compose your own posts... read a few more a comment....enter a a google for a few items.... search for more items....oh my......Where did the time go?????? Oh My.... what are we going to eat for dinner? Oh house is still a mess!!!!!! You know exactly what I am talking about....
I love the age of technology and the efficiency it brings to my life, however, with this efficiency comes the fact that too much of a good thing is not always good.
Here is my "Manage The Thing That is Managing You" Strategy:
Being and "all or nothing" person, I do not want to give up blogging and computer communication, A few weeks ago, realizing I could not afford to spend large chunks of time on my computer, I devised a way to manage myself and my time. I do the same thing I do for my kids when they have a task to complete... I set the kitchen timer. When it rings.... time to stop.
I allow 15 minutes in the am and 15-30 minutes in the pm for computer time. It is amazing how efficient I am with my time. I get around to several sites, answer mail, leave comments, and then get on to something productive around my house or hit the road for errands, exercise, service to others, work, school volunteering, etc.
If I am home during the day, I do check my e-mail in the middle of the day
The kitchen timer helped me realize that I can still spend time on my computer and that I can manage my time without it managing me.
How do you manage your Computer time or any other time?

1 comment:

Cathi said...

Unfortunately for me and all around me...I don't!!