Thursday, December 6, 2007

Mr Riley

Riley is 4 1/2 Months Old
Believe me, when I can get a photo of him holding still, it is blog-worthy. He is either a moving target or set on staying snuggled up with me any time I am near. I am his "alpha-male". He is getting a hair cut this week. When the fluff is gone, he will be so light in color.
Had I seen Riley up on his hind legs before he was named, he would have had to have a Star Wars name. He looks just like an Ewok when he is standing up on his hind legs. (No photo of that, yet)
For a Wheaton Terrier, Riley is relatively calm. This breed is known for being very energetic and mischievous, so far that has not been the case. He is such a lover and sweet as can be. I do not, however, say that when I am cleaning up piddle or poo! In some ways, it has still not sunk in that I have a dog.....


Cathi said...

Hey, he posed perfect for that photo. It always seems that the mom (us)is the Alpha can't let her out of my sight critter for any and all pets.

love.boxes said...

If it hasn't sunk in, he must be a really good dog!!! If I cleaned up dog stuff one time.. it would have sunk in, but Riley is very cute.