Friday, December 7, 2007


Welcome To The Hive!
My favorite Bundt Cake from Williams-Sonoma
I want to host a Mother/Daughter Brunch for my "Beehive" Class. This would be dessert!
Building a theme around this Beehive Cake opens endless possiblities.
The Young Women I teach at Church are 12-13 years old. Turning 12 is the rite of passage from the Children's Primary Program and entry in the to Youth Program. The class name for the 12-13 year old girls is The Beehives.
Today, one of my girls turned 12. Allara. It was time for a big "Welcome To The Hive". After school today, all the class members met and rode with me to Allara's house. We surprised her with a balloon, candy, and singing Happy Birthday. Then we told her to put her shoes on, she was coming with us. We "kidnapped" her and whisked her off to the nearby Wellington Mall Food Court for Ice Cream and a quick celebration before all the parents arrived to pick up their daughters.
Juggling all the schedules of the girls and their families took some coordination, yet it was well worth the effort. These are amazing girls who love spending time together.
It is my hope that as they welcome each other to "The Hive" and to the Young Women's Program, that they will embrace and support each other along the critical teen years ahead.
Welcome, Allara!!!


Anonymous said...

WOW! What a great idea! The Beehives in our ward would love something like this! :)

Cathi said...

Girl!!! You are way too organized and clever!! I remember being that way when I had kids at home. I think when the nest empties it is so much easier to get a bit too laid back. :)

love.boxes said...

Shauna, I have this beehive that I want to send you. E-mail me at with your address.. I lost it.

Anonymous said...

Shauna, do you still have the hive cake pan? If so, could I borrow it for New Beginnings?