Friday, January 4, 2008

Duct Tape and Naps

Duct Tape At Nap Time
Reading Cathi's Blog regarding her granddaughter, I was reminded of a phase Katherine went through.
This photo was taken in December of 1998 when Katherine was 22 months old.
My desperate measure to stop a desperate situation....
No different than today, it is no small task to stay one step ahead of Miss Katherine. She went through a phase where she would remove her clothing and diaper at nap time and then make a mess (use your imagination) in the crib. The mess was never isolated to one spot. The clean up took hours which cancelled out the rest I got while she was "asleep".
In my master problem-solving strategy, I decided the only way to beat her at her own game was that I should use duct tape to secure her diapers. Surely she could not remove duct tape.
I was right... she could NOT remove Duct Tape...However.....Where was my camera when I opened the door? I did not know whether to laugh or cry.
I went in to get her at the first sound of stirring and she had been silently busy. There she was... clothing removed AND diaper removed, little bits at a time. There was a pile of little tiny pieces of diaper that had been picked off one bit at a time.
She was such a hilarious sight! She stood there in nothing but a strip of duct tape. Thankfully, the only mess that day was the tiny bits of diaper all over the crib and floor.
For whatever reason, that was the last day of diaper removal messes. I am not sure how it eventually ceased. My brain is overload from so many years of so many children and their "phases".
I am living proof that mothers survive and even laugh later about some of the phases they swear will never end and drive them over the edge!
Live, Laugh, and Love.... They grow up and are gone all too soon!!!!!

1 comment:

Cathi said...

When Britt was a toddler she was constantly stripping down naked and jumping in the duck pond. (a five foot round galvanized tub) She was already out of diapers and I had a terrible time keeping clothes on her.
K has taken her poopy diaper off several times at our house. She always gives it to David saying "Poop!"