Saturday, January 5, 2008

Florida Snow Day

74 Degrees And....Snowing....
In South Florida today, we had snow. It did not fall from the sky, it was delivered to a local parking lot as a Grand Opening promo for a new restaurant, The Counter. Hard to imagine for those who are shoveling snow in other parts of the world that anyone would actually PAY to have snow delivered. What a fun activity here in paradise with blue skies, green grass, and "snow".
This was the parking lot near Costco on Southern Boulevard
Megan was so excited to make and throw a snow ball!
Katherine started wearing both gloves and then shared one glove with Megan when her hands were freezing cold.
The crowd grew and grew as we all knew this Saturday afternoon pile of snow would be short-lived.

If you are experiencing snow today, take heart in knowing that the children in South Florida are envious of that white stuff in your yard! Enjoy!


Cathi said...

What Fun!!
We don't have snow however we have plenty of rain. It's not the awesome thunderstorms of Wellington, bummer, just hard wet rain that knocks out the electricity.
Snow might be nice!?!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I so wish I had known about this! I would have taken Harrion in heartbeat -- a little trip down memory lane perhaps for this Canadian girl missing the snow right now!


Carmen said...

Hmmm...I just got out of church and had to shovel a couple inches of fresh snow off of my driveway. I guess I could see how it would be a pleasant to experience a snowball fight while it was warm outside.

Carmen said...

Hmmm...I just got out of church and had to shovel a couple inches of fresh snow off of my driveway. I guess I could see how it would be a pleasant to experience a snowball fight while it was warm outside.