Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Before I Sign-Off For The Week... Here is an update and 2 addtional posts follow this...I'll return next week, ready to Rock and Roll!! May will be a busy month so this little break comes at a perfect time!!!!
Update On Megan
Megan ( I should say WE) are one week in to Megan's 6-8 weeks of
wearing a cast on her foot
and getting around on crutches.
For one fleeting moment, I was not sure I would be able to go on my trip tomorrow and leave her. So far, however, she gets around amazingly and does not seem to be hindered in too many areas.
Here we are at the Orlando Temple last Saturday....
Megan wanted to be at the temple when her Primary Teachers, Jay and Tina Sweet, were sealed to their little boy, Jay, Jr. (see post below)
She was excited to stay at Grandpa and Grandma Hogies while we were in the temple....
The traditional trip to Golden Corral included Grandpa and Grandma signing her cast....
Grandpa even decorated Megan's big toe.
My girls do not know there is a Golden Corral close to our house here in Palm Beach County...they think this is strictly and Orlando Restaurant....I think we will keep it that way as long as possible.
I am not much of a Buffet person at all.
Grandma was the first to sign at The Golden Corral
For the Record... I (Mom) ,the one who bathes her and waits on her hand and foot, was the first to sign her cast when the Doctor gave the OK for signatures!
Note Riley in the background wearing his "Lampshade" Cone while he was recovering from surgery last week.


love.boxes said...

Well sheesh! You don't need Megan AND the Dog to have a medical situation! JK! Feel better Megan and ... dog too!

John and Katie said...

Do I need to make a new set of crutches??? How about a big magic marker to write on her cast!