Monday, May 5, 2008

BYU Women's Conference

Plan To Attend This!!!!
I am home from Utah, where I attended
I can honestly say, it was a life-changing experience.
Do whatever you can to attend this Conference.....
especially if you DON'T live in or near Utah.
It is held the first Thursday and Friday every May after BYU Graduation.
You will attend the Conference once and want to make sure it is part of your
annual self preservation strategy.
With 60 Classes and hundreds of speakers to choose from, there is something for every interest and season in life, and I mean every season and interest. Regardless of where you are at, you will find joy and peace as you attend.
There are service projects, Musical performances and Concerts, Displays on every subject imaginable, shopping at the BYU Bookstore, and the FOOD!!!!
I have said this before, I could eat my way through Utah, and I pretty much did.
Call a friend and invite her to attend with you next year, better yet, call a group of friends. Dont wait...make your plans know how time gets away from you!!!
Reserve your hotel in Provo, UT early!
Watch for a great airfare deal and register for the Conference in January.
I promise this is the best investment you can make for yourself.

There is something incredible about spending 2 days with 20,000 like-minded women. No cursing, no "walking pornography" in the way they dressed, no smoking, and on and on. Just women who want to improve their lives by focusing on living the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Every class, every musical presentation, every prayer prepared us for the closing presentation given by the LDS Prophet, President Thomas S Monson. It just does not get any better than this. On the plane trip home last night, I spent almost the entire time on BOTH flights reviewing my notes from each class. While reviewing the notes, I made new notes as to how the things I learned and felt will change the way I live on a daily basis. I cannot remember ever being so moved by the notes I took from any meeting, class, etc.

The trip included a few days in Salt Lake with a trip to the Salt Lake Temple. I cry every time I leave that temple. I just love being in the temple where my marriage began.

The flowers in Salt Lake were exquisite, especially on Temple Square. Spring in Salt Lake is one of my favorite places. It reminded me of how beautiful Salt Lake was when Curt and Carmen were married 2 years ago this next week. I took a lot of pictures of flowers. When I load them, I will add a few to this blog.


John and Katie said...

It must be a great annual preservation strategy because you are very well preserved!!!! (maybe I should leave town now). I wish I could grow the flowers they have in Temple Square...I posted some of the pictures on our blog.

Cathi said...

I have wanted to go to this for as long as I can remember! Maybe next year.